giovedì 16 aprile 2015


editor: Lorenzo Micheli Gigotti
texts by: Maria Antonella Fusco, Raffaele Gavarro, Antonella Renzitti
(April 2015)

Odio gli indifferenti is the catalogue of the namesake exhibition of Giuseppe Stampone at the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica di Roma (11 October 2014 – 22 February 2015), curated by Raffaele Gavarro and Antonella Renzitti. The book contains a good part of the works and projects that Stampone has made in recent years, along with some critical essays, in an attempt to restore the particular geopolitical and social vision of the artist linked to the need for a direct involvement of the works of art in the historical and social present.
The body of work present in the the show contains the well-known series of drawings of national flags in Bic pen, some portraits of the most notorious dictators in human history, a large map of the world and some versions of his popular visual abecedary. Finally, the project Solstizio, in an attempt to render in documentary form the action of global art begun by the artist in 2008: through monitors, documents, photographs and interactive stations, artistic and social experiences are brought in connection, for what Stampone defines as Global Education.
Overall, the work of Giuseppe Stampone begins from the web, but unfolds in that neodimensionality, so defined by the artist, that through images and their semantic value combines the environments in which we move. Stampone tries to capture and to embody images by definition intangible, existing in the collective memory or exclusively on the screen, trying to rescue them from the uncontrolled flow of contemporary knowledge to enter them into another dimension. The work is thus a short circuit that has the purpose of reactivating history and building an indispensable memory.